Head of Events

Role description

As the Head of Events, you will be overseeing the Events team and ensuring everyone is aware of their week's tasks. You will also be responsible for planning LWOBxUoM events together with the Events team, getting in touch with speakers and venues, and ensuring smooth execution of events. As part of your role, you will create an events calendar for upcoming events and plan the deadlines for the events. You may be expected to work alongside the Events teams of other societies for collaborative events and where necessary, assisting other committee members with other ventures.

Responsibilities and general duties of the role

  • Overseeing the work of the Events Team.

  • Planning – overseeing the organisation and execution of all LWOBxUoM events, from planning to logistics.

  • Communicating with speakers, venues, and (if required) other student societies for collaboration purposes.

  • Coordinating with the Marketing Team to ensure all events are well-advertised.

  • Collaborating with the society at weekly meetings with regards to ideas and involvement. You are expected to attend each meeting and contribute to the discussion.

Qualities needed for the role

  • Good communicator – to ensure everything goes as planned, you must be able to liaise effectively with other committee members, the Events Team, and outside organisations in setting up and running an event. 

  • Organisational skills – this role requires you to be highly organised and to keep track of all events-related and Events Team member tasks. The Head of Events role requires great time management, attention to detail, and prioritising skills. 

  • Leadership – as Head of Events, you are directly responsible for the work of the Events Team. You must be capable of leading and guiding them on how to manage their tasks. Additionally, you must be reliable, responsible, and set goals and plans effectively. 

  • Team Player – as Head of Events, you must be able to collaborate well with the Events Team and take their and other committee members' ideas on board. 

  • Strategy planning – as Head of Events, you must be able to plan events thoroughly and efficiently, predict possible outcomes, and make plans accordingly to ensure events goals are achieved.


Not to have a role in another society.


Inclusions Officer

