
Role description

The LWOBxUoM Vice President role is a two-year commitment with the society. The VP co-works with the President of the society for the first year and later steps up to be the President of the society in the following (second) year. They are responsible for making the final decisions with the team and overlooking all the projects to ensure everything runs smoothly without any foreseeable disturbance and last-minute changes.  

Responsibilities and general duties of the role

  • To lead the team with positivity, where needed. 

  • Must have a vision for the betterment of the Student Division and with the projects. 

  • To be persuasive where required, for example, with potential fund donors. 

  • To inspire the committee when faced with challenges.

  • To achieve the targeted results and ensure that all plans are executed within the planned time frame. 

  • To measure the progress and efficiency of the Student Division and implement the improvements as required. 

Qualities needed for the role

  • Good communicator — working with Events managers and brainstorming ideas to ensure events are executed successfully and good rapport is maintained with speakers and sponsors. 

  • Leadership – as Vice President, you should be able to encourage the team, making executive decisions whilst upholding the LWOBxUoM constitution.

  • Management – you will be responsible for overtaking the task when committee members drop out last minute.

  • Responsibility – as Vice President, you are accountable for dealing with ad hoc situations and managing the organisation's day to day operation. 

Eligibility to apply

  • The applicant must be a full-time student at UoM, and they must be on campus for both years (2023-24 and 2024-25). This position is not available for part-time students or students on an international study program.

  • The applicant must be committed to a two-year role, firstly as the Vice-President in the 2024/25 Committee and then progressing to the Presidency in the 2025/26 Committee.

  • Because of the big responsibility of the role, we require applicants to not have any other positions in another society.




Head of Fundraising