Bulletin No.21

Bulletin No 21

Discussion: How will Liz Truss’ appointment to PM affect human rights?

Previously taking on the role as Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss was appointed Prime Minister on September 6th this year. This was done after the resignation of ex-PM Boris Johnson amid the UK government crisis in early July 2022, where 62 government officials resigned under his administration. While many human rights groups attest that the current Conservative government has not paid enough attention to preserving human rights, particularly within the UK, Liz Truss’ policies and plans as her party leader will continue to affect human rights, for better or for worse.


From 2021 to present, there has been a constant energy supply crisis due to short gas reserves. This in turn resulted in a steep increase (54%) of energy prices, making it more difficult for individuals to afford to power their homes. Truss has introduced caps on energy pricing, which was previously set to increase even further through October. In this way, Truss has to some degree taken genuine steps to preserve the basic needs of individuals in the UK. However, the £100 billion package paying for energy caps inevitably stem from the taxpayer’s own pockets – it is therefore debatable how helpful Truss’ policies are forecasted to be when it comes to human rights.

Certainly, the cost of living crisis is unlikely to be improved through increased tax rates.

It is also uncertain what Truss will be doing to mitigate other issues regarding human rights, including the ongoing building ‘cladding scandal’ for which many families are yet to receive reparations, the subpar state of prisons in Scotland, and the Rwanda plan. It is also yet to be decided whether the planned Bill of Rights – which Amnesty International, called ‘a giant leap backwards for the rights of the ordinary people’ – is still to replace the Human Rights Act in the UK as planned.


Previously in her role as Foreign Secretary, Truss responded to the threats of invasion in Ukraine, warning Moscow of tough potential sanctions in the event of attacks and strongly maintaining the need to protect the rights of Ukrainian civilians.

Moreover, Truss has condemned the acts of the Chinese government against its Uyghur population as ‘genocide’, and spoken out against the imprisonment of minority groups in Xinjiang labour camps.

On the other hand, many are disappointed by the Prime Minister’s silence on severe human rights infractions occurring elsewhere, particularly in the Gulf and Middle East. The immense humanitarian disaster occurring throughout Yemen, including mass-starvation, war, and the loss of millions of lives due to the conflict caused by Saudi Arabia is yet to be addressed by Truss. Furthermore, the Israel-Palestinian apartheid, similarly causing devastation for Palestinian civilians, is yet to be denounced by the PM.

Charity Spotlight


Reprieve is a legal action non-governmental organisation (NGO) comprised of investigators, lawyers, and campaigners. They aim to defend marginalised people who are facing human rights abuses, often at the hands of powerful governments. Reprieve is well-known for fighting for people on death row, held with charge or trial, tortured, and targeted by illegal drone attacks. Currently, Reprieve has:

Saved over 550 people from death row around the world

Freed over 80 people from detention without charge or trial at Guantanamo Bay

Supported over 100 former Guantanamo detainees and their families with their ‘Our Life after Guantanamo’ project


Opportunities with Reprieve:

Reprieve often holds polls and petitions on their website; currently, they are holding a petition backing Jaguar Singh Johal, who may be the victim of a UK tip-off leading to his lawful arrest. It’s quick and easy to add your name to petitions to support Reprieve’s causes

Become a member

Donate on their website

For more information, visit the Reprieve website at: https://reprieve.org/uk

Internal and External Opportunities

Internal Opportunities

Salford Foundation

Salford Foundation have been helping people in Salford, Greater Manchester, and the North West for over 30 years. The foundation aims to help individuals seek their true potential by providing services that range from life readiness assistance to college support. Their ethos is: ‘By creating the right mix of opportunities, relationships and resources with people, we believe that everyone can reach their full potential.

For more information on how to join, visit: https://www.salfordfoundation.org.uk/

External Opportunities

Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity

Established in 2018, the Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity is an Independent charity working to reduce homelessness within the region.

You can donate or sign up to help out here: https://gmmayorscharity.org.uk/


Bulletin No.22


Bulletin No.20