Bulletin No. 31

Embracing Diversity: Celebrating LGBT+ History Month 2024


As February unfolds, so does the vibrant celebration of UK LGBT+ History Month, a dedicated time to acknowledge, appreciate, and illuminate the often-hidden contributions of the LGBT+ community. Founded in 2005, this annual event reaches across various sectors, promoting inclusivity in education, healthcare, business, and society at large.

Conceived in 2004, UK LGBT+ History Month emerged as a response to the silence shrouding the stories of the LGBT+ community right after the controversial section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 was repealed, it banned authorities and schools from promoting homosexuality. The first celebration in February 2005 marked the beginning of a journey to reclaim history, appreciate the present, and carve a future where diversity is celebrated

The 2024 Theme: "Medicine – #UnderTheScope"

This year, the spotlight is on Medicine, paying homage to the remarkable contributions of LGBT+ individuals to the field. Louise Pearce, a physician and pathologist, was one of the foremost female scientists of the early 20th century. Her research led to a cure for trypanosomiasis (African Sleeping sickness) in 1919. Dr. James Barry, a 19th-century military surgeon made significant contributions to the advancement of surgical techniques during his time, and modern figures like Dr. Rachel Levine, the first openly transgender four-star officer in the US's eight uniformed services who is currently serving as the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health, the highest ranking transgender official in the US government. Their stories inspire us to recognise the vital role LGBT+ individuals play in shaping the medical world.

The other half of the theme is a call to look ‘Under the Scope’, the lived experiences of LGBT+ individuals, especially at a time when hate crimes are on the rise. This theme encourages us to listen, empathise, and understand the challenges faced by the community. It’s about peering into the day-to-day struggles, triumphs, and nuances of LGBT+ lives, fostering a deeper connection, and breaking down barriers.

Human Rights Focus

As we celebrate the strides made in the realm of LGBT+ inclusivity, it's essential to acknowledge countries that have embraced progress and those still grappling with discriminatory laws. In recent years, countries like Nepal, Japan, and Estonia have made significant strides towards inclusivity, legalising same-sex marriage and enacting laws protecting LGBT+ rights.

However, challenges persist in some parts of the world. Countries like Uganda, Brazil, and several in the Middle East still uphold discriminatory laws, impeding the full recognition of LGBT+ rights. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for the international community to come together, fostering awareness and advocating for change on a global scale.

The celebration of LGBT+ History Month is not just a commemoration of achievements but a call to action for human rights. It urges us to dismantle discriminatory structures and create a world where everyone is free to express their identity without fear of persecution. It is an opportunity to amplify the voices of those who face discrimination and to champion a society that upholds the principles of equality and dignity for all.


As we delve into UK LGBT+ History Month 2024, let's embrace the theme with enthusiasm, reflecting on the invaluable contributions of the LGBT+ community to the medical field. Simultaneously channeling our collective energy into advocating for human rights, fostering inclusivity, and challenging discrimination worldwide. In doing so, we not only celebrate the past and present but lay the foundation for a future where everyone is free to live authentically, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Charity Spotlight


Stonewall is a well-known LGBTQ+ charity in the UK that was founded on 24 May 1989, one year to the day since Section 28 became law. It works to support and advocate for the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. They have successfully organised campaigns to repeal Section 28, end the ban on LGBTQ+ people in the armed forces, equalise the age of consent, extend adoption and IVF rights to same-sex couples, and introduce civil partnerships.

In 2001, Stonewall launched its Diversity Champions programme, a programme which works with over 900 organisations to ensure the LGBTQ+ community are comfortable in the workplace. This includes addressing outright discrimination, as well as "more discrete" forms of heterosexist thinking.

You can get involved by:

·       Campaigning- https://www.stoneall.org.uk/campaign-with-us

·       Fundraising - https://www.stonewall.org.uk/fundraise-with-us

·       Donating- https://donorbox.org/support-stonewall

·       Participating in events- https://www.stonewall.org.uk/attend-event


Internal Opportunities

The University of Manchester has organised a number of events to celebrate and commemorate LGBT+ History Month 2024 with events such as film screenings, bake sales, seminars, and quizzes lined up. The university also has a number of policies and guidance documents to support our LGBT+ community.

Find more info on events and support here: https://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/news/display/?id=30886


External Opportunities

1.     LGBT+ Manchester Walking Tour- 17th February https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lgbt-manchester-walking-tour-tickets-201715224667?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

2.     Neurodivergent LGBTQ+ Youth Event - 13-17 session- 21st February https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/neurodivergent-lgbtq-youth-event-13-17-session-tickets-798839439267?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

3.     LGBT History Month Archive Exploration- 24th February https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lgbt-history-month-archive-exploration-tickets-777064208967

4.     LGBTQ+ History Month: remembering the day Manchester said NO to Section 28 (Footage Screening)- 28th Feburary https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lgbtq-history-month-remembering-the-day-manchester-said-no-to-section-28-tickets-809051323287

5.     Charity Pub Quiz- 9th March https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/charity-pub-quiz-ecommerce-pride-tickets-806947450547?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1


Bulletin No. 32


Bulletin No. 30