Bulletin No. 27

Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis and Human Rights Concerns in Gaza

The Gaza Strip, a place marred by decades of conflict and unrest, is currently experiencing a dire humanitarian crisis that transcends borders and ideology. With a focus on human rights, this article aims to shed light on the ongoing situation, emphasising the severe challenges faced by the population, particularly children and women, and the implications for essential human rights.

A Region in Crisis

The Gaza Strip has been marked by political instability and conflict for years. The recent escalation of violence has only added to the challenges faced by the people of Gaza. In the past 18 days, the Gaza Strip has witnessed an alarming number of casualties, with thousands of individuals injured or killed. UNICEF has reported that more than 400 children are either killed or injured daily during this period. The situation has been further exacerbated by Israel cutting off electricity and water supplies and stopping imports of food and medicine. However, since Saturday, Israel has allowed several dozen aid lorries through Egypt's Rafah crossing.

Children Caught in the Crossfire

The escalating violence in Gaza has had a devastating impact on its children, with thousands reportedly killed or injured. Over 400 children are said to have been either killed or injured daily during this period, marking a grim milestone in the recent history of the region. Such violence violates a core principle enshrined in the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)– the Right to life (Art 6) as well as essential rights like right to be safe from violence (Art 19), right to health services (art 24), the right to education (Art 28), and the right to protection from inhumane treatment and war (art 37 and 38) as contained in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Women's Rights at Stake

This crisis also takes a significant toll on women in Gaza. During times of armed conflict, women and girls are particularly vulnerable. They face an increased risk of sexual violence, which is a violation of their rights and an affront to their dignity. Survivors of sexual violence need immediate support, including medical assistance, treatment of injuries, and access to essential medical supplies. This includes emergency contraception and treatment to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. The scarcity of resources and the strain on healthcare facilities in Gaza exacerbate these concerns.

The Call for a Ceasefire

UNICEF's call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire reflects the urgency of the situation. Adele Khodr, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, expressed concern about the abduction of children, attacks on hospitals and schools, and the denial of humanitarian access. These actions are seen as grave violations of children's rights, highlighting the importance of the ICCPR's Art 7 which protects against inhuman or degrading treatment, and Art 9 and 14, which safeguard the right to a fair trial .

Humanitarian Access and Critical Aid

The need for sustained and unimpeded access to humanitarian assistance cannot be overstated. The denial of such access can have catastrophic consequences, particularly for children who rely on essential facilities like hospitals, desalination plants, and water pumping stations. The uninterrupted power supply, vital for neonatal intensive care units, is a matter of life and death, echoing the importance of Art 6 of the ICCPR.

The Water Crisis

The scarcity of clean water, coupled with fuel shortages, has left the entire population of Gaza, particularly children and women, in a precarious situation. Many water systems have become non-operational, severely impacting water production capacity. This shortage poses a direct threat to children's and women's well-being as they face the risk of diseases due to unsafe water sources. The deprivation of clean water infringes on the right to respect for private and family life (Art 17 and 23) as per the ICCPR and the right to an adequate standard of living (Art 11) as outlined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

Human Rights at Stake

The situation in Gaza underscores the complex challenges related to human rights. The violations of ICCPR rights are concerning, including the right to life, prohibition of torture or inhuman or degrading treatment, the right to a fair trial, and the right to respect for private and family life, to an adequate standard of living, and to equality.

The unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a matter of global concern. It is imperative that the international community collectively work towards a ceasefire, safe and sustained access to humanitarian aid, and the protection of the rights and lives of those affected by this crisis. Gaza's population, especially its children and women, deserves nothing less.

Charity Spotlight

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF is in Gaza providing life-saving humanitarian support. They urgently require medical equipment, food, fuel, and access to safe drinking water.

They are also calling for an immediate ceasefire, the establishment of humanitarian corridors to allow safe access, and the immediate and safe release of any child being held hostage. Schools, hospitals, and shelters to be protected from attack – in accordance with international humanitarian law. And all children should be safe from harm. More than a million people, nearly half of them children, are in danger ahead of a planned ground assault.

Click on the below link to donate:


Internal Opportunities

·       Check out the University’s conflict and humanitarian disaster website for more information on resources and how you can help: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/conflict-support/

·       For all those who are deeply affected by this dreadful situation or anyone who might have experienced any hate or discrimination, it is worthwhile to check out the support resources available to you. Remember, violence is never the answer and bullying should never be tolerated.


External Opportunities

Muslim Hands, an international aid agency and NGO is dedicated to serving the most vulnerable people across the world by addressing the root causes of poverty and empowering communities. From addressing short-term needs to tackling long-term issues, Muslim Hands works to alleviate poverty through a range of varied and important areas.

As part of their efforts to aid people in Gaza, the charity is organising a Winter Walk across 3 cities in the UK (Manchester on 23rd December) to fundraise to supports victims in Gaza with their basic needs like providing water, food and medicine.

Click below to register for the event and to learn more about what they do:



Bulletin No. 28


Bulletin No. 26